nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Aug 29, 2012 15:45
chris: hair porn, chris: finger porn, chris: is a sex god, true blood: sexy fanger, character: dieter braun, poster: nomorefrostbite, chris: is a bamf!, true blood: respect his authority, chris: he's so intelligent!, chris: heyerdahl bitches!, chris: suited & booted, chris: facial hair is hot, chris: has hair, true blood: in the beginning, brb: being a genius, show: true blood, type: screencap, brb: being an evil bamf
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Aug 28, 2012 15:09
brb: i'll be in my bunk, brb: this is hot, chris: hair porn, chris: finger porn, true blood: sexy fanger, character: dieter braun, poster: nomorefrostbite, true blood: respect his authority, chris: heyerdahl bitches!, chris: suited & booted, chris: facial hair is hot, chris: has hair, with: valentina cervi, with: peter mensah, true blood: in the beginning, chris: smoulders, show: true blood, type: screencap, brb: being an evil bamf
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Aug 26, 2012 19:04
brb: i wish i was her, chris: hair porn, character: dieter braun, poster: nomorefrostbite, chris: is a bamf!, true blood: respect his authority, chris: heyerdahl bitches!, with: carolyn hennesy, chris: suited & booted, chris: facial hair is hot, chris: has hair, chris: smoulders, true blood: in the beginning, show: true blood, type: screencap, brb: being an evil bamf
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Aug 23, 2012 19:52
chris: hair porn, chris: is a sex god, chris: dat lickable neck, character: dieter braun, poster: nomorefrostbite, true blood: respect his authority, with: carolyn hennesy, chris: facial hair is hot, true blood: hopeless, chris: has hair, with: peter mensah, with: valentina cervi, show: true blood, with: chris meloni, type: screencap, brb: being an evil bamf
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Aug 10, 2012 19:45
chris: hair porn, chris: finger porn, chris: is a sex god, character: dieter braun, poster: nomorefrostbite, true blood: respect his authority, chris: he's so intelligent!, true blood: whatever i am you made me, chris: heyerdahl bitches!, chris: facial hair is hot, chris: has hair, with: valentina cervi, with: peter mensah, chris: smoulders, brb: being a genius, show: true blood, type: screencap, brb: being an evil bamf
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Jun 13, 2012 18:49
chris: heyerdahl bitches!, brb: i'll be in my bunk, chris: suited & booted, type: promo shot, chris: facial hair is hot, chris: is a sex god, chris: has hair, chris: smoulders, character: dieter braun, poster: nomorefrostbite, show: true blood, chris: is a bamf!, true blood: respect his authority, brb: being an evil bamf, brb: *dead*
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl May 05, 2012 15:01
chris: i've seen him before, brb: i'll be in my bunk, brb: this is hot, chris: hair porn, brb: *celebrating*, chris: finger porn, chris: is a sex god, character: dieter braun, poster: nomorefrostbite, chris: is a bamf!, true blood: respect his authority, chris: walk-walk fashion baby, chris: heyerdahl bitches!, type: promo shot, chris: suited & booted, chris: .....tags escape me, chris: facial hair is hot, chris: has hair, chris: smoulders, show: true blood, brb: being an evil bamf, brb: *dead*